In 2020 your Foundation gave a small grant to the Mohua Blue Penguin Trust to assist with the costs associated with the installation of road-signs in Mohua (Golden Bay) warning drivers of the possibility of Blue Penguins on
the road.
The generosity of Laura Papp, a Top of the South Community Foundation ‘Living Giver’, has enabled the purchase and installation of road-signs that will aid in the protection of the endangered Little Blue Penguin.
With multiple kororā nests straddling Abel Tasman Drive, penguins are regularly on the road at night with numerous deaths each year. This results in young kororā chicks dying as it takes two parents to nurture the offspring to the point of self-reliance (guarding the nest or gathering food).
Following assistance from the Top of the South Community Foundation, the Blue Penguin Trust has installed two active traffic management signs along Abel Tasman Drive, one at Pohara and one at Ligar Bay.
"It’s through the generosity of people like Laura that this work can occur. Contributing to saving a threatened and at-risk species from local extinction is something she can be proud of."
"Supporting the local Community Foundation enables such important work to be done."
Cynthia McConville, Chair, Mohua (Golden Bay) Blue Penguin Trust.