Inspiring generosity for a better region

you live

Making your
giving go

made easy

Anyone can give 
and it all makes 
a difference

Your gift
is invested
and grown
and the ongoing
income earned

goes to the local
causes you love

Te Tauihu is a special place

Top of the South Community Foundation was founded to encourage and enable generosity in the top of the South Island for the benefit of our communities.

We help generous people by providing easy and secure options to support the charities and community projects of their choice now and forever.

Our latest news

From the Chair - Dave Ashcroft

We’re delighted to have achieved some very important milestones in the last few months, including our first Fund dedicated to impact in Marlborough, and reaching $7m Funds under management.
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 From the EO - Nettie Stow 

Te Tauihu EO - Nettie enjoys getting out into the heart of our community and meeting the people in it.
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Project Jonah

Aotearoa New Zealand has one of the highest rates of whale strandings in the world, with an average of approximately 300 strandings each year.
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See more news

Gavin Larsen on Community Foundations

Listen as Gavin talks about the wider community foundation model.

Make a lasting difference

Act now to begin building your legacy through Top of the South Community Foundation
How do I make a gift?
© Top of the South Community Foundation 2024
Photos from Nelsontasman.nzOnly Marlborough and Unsplash.
Made with ♥️ by Avoca in Nelson, New Zealand

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