Aotearoa New Zealand has one of the highest rates of whale strandings in the world, with an average of approximately 300 strandings each year. There are several hotspots, like the Karikari Peninsula, Mahia and Onetahua Farewell Spit. The work of Project Jonah enables volunteers to make a lifesaving difference to the lives of marine mammals (whales and dolphins)
An average of 500 people annually, including approximately 50 in Te Tauihu, participate in Marine Mammal Medic training, learning to use an inflatable pontoon system to refloat stranded whales and return them to the ocean. Dive tanks are an essential part of the pontoon system, and our Environment Fund was able to provide a grant for the tanks to contribute to this important work.
During one of the largest recent strandings in 2017, Project Jonah worked at Onetahua/Farewell Spit with over 600 whales for three days, successfully returning around two thirds of the whales to the ocean
“I believe this program will be instrumental in saving whales and other marine mammals in the future”. PJ volunteer.