Motueka Riding for the Disabled
24 June, 2024

A grant given to Motueka Riding for the Disabled ensured that their horses received the treatments required to stay in top condition and better serve participants. Motueka RDA is a purpose built centre catering to riders of all ages and stages. They own seven horses who are specially trained to provide riders with the best and safest experience. The RDA offers therapeutic riding programmes for children, adolescents and adults as well as a special whānau focused therapeutic riding programme aimed at strengthening wellbeing and resilience.

This year, riders included students from the local high school who benefitted from a programme supporting them to re-engage with school.
Carol Fowler, the school’s engagement advisor, described the programme as life changing. ‘One girl absolutely lights up when she’s going to riding, and wouldn’t miss it for the world’ said Carol. ‘Her attendance is now so good that I have been able to close her case, but there is no way we would stop her going riding as it is the highlight of her week’.
Thank you to the donors who made this grant possible – the impact of supporting the horses creates ripples throughout the Motueka community

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Photos from Nelsontasman.nzOnly Marlborough and Unsplash.
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