Over the past few months, The Top of the South Community Foundation (TotSCF) has been working alongside The Tindall Foundation (TTF) in the Marlborough and Nelson/Tasman region to distribute funding to organisations with a focus on families/whanau.
“The Tindall Foundation is a private philanthropic family foundation that works with 23 funding partners around the country. We support them in the distribution of regional funding. It’s a massive move forward for us to be partnering with such a reputable funding organisation as The Tindall Foundation. We are thrilled to be working proactively alongside them.” said Gavin Larsen, Executive Officer of Top of the South Community Foundation
“Recently, we assisted TTF with a funding round here in the Top of the South, taking the local lead on behalf of TTF in communicating and promoting the funding round. We then worked with potential recipients, and now following the distribution of those donations, we are communicating with a number of the recipients to highlight the positive outcomes,”
The recent Tindall Foundation/Top of the South funding round saw 13 organisations receive donations ranging from $2000 to $10,000 to assist their local initiatives and services.
“It’s so important to work closely with local funders to ensure the best possible impact for the Top of the South region. TTF is a great supporter of the Community Foundation endowment model that creates local legacies forever,” said Larsen.
Martina O’Driscoll, Funding and Relationships Manager at TTF, said, “Our funding partners around the country help us with the distribution of regional funding. They provide support and advice to us and ensure organisations and communities are supported when applying for funding. All donations are given to grassroots local services that support families. It is a privilege working with Top of the South Community Foundation.”
Gavin Larsen said that TotSCF shares a common vision with TTF of helping to drive positive change in our communities.
“A partnership like this enables us to collaborate efficiently around grant decisions to ensure the maximum impact is gained around our region.””Sir Stephen Tindall assisted us earlier in the year to help launch our new relationship with Craigs Investment Partners. It was superb to have a person of Sir Stephen’s mana present in Nelson and Blenheim to speak at several client functions and promoting the Community Foundation giving model.”The recent TTF – Top of the South funding round supported 13 organisations in the region to assist local initiatives and services.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (Motueka/Nelson)
Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Nelson
24-7 Unite
The Rotary Club of Richmond
Nelson Community Toy Library
Marlborough Community Development Trust
Bhutanese Society of Nelson
Helping Families Nelson Trust
Healing Horticulture
Motueka Community House
Mana Whanau Charitable Trust
Nelson Women’s Support Trust
Nelson Mizo Community