Craigs supports our local community again
12 March, 2021

Nelson Women's Centre - Te Whare Āwhina Mō Ngā Wāhine Puawai, a recent recipient of a Craigs Investment Partners Christmas Giving donation, was recommended and coordinated by the Top of the South Community Foundation. As a confidential drop-in centre with a volunteer base, they are often the first contact for women who need assistance or advice on a range of issues. Especially over the past year, women impacted by job losses due to Covid-19 and lockdown lost part-time work. For some women, the associated loss of income and their ability to put food on the table for their family created mental health issues.

In her application to the foundation, Georgie Kirby - Centre Co-ordinator wrote – “We would love to be able to offer some of our family's countdown vouchers for Christmas groceries or warehouse vouchers for small gifts/necessities over the Festive season when pressures are high. A little generosity goes a long way to easing the hardship these women and children are facing.”

“When the application came in from Nelson Women’s Centre, yes was an immediate response to its compelling request,” said Gavin Larsen - Executive Officer, Top of the South Community Foundation.

Georgie Kirby was thrilled with the Christmas gift which she said was incredibly timely.

“The generous donation from Craigs and the Top of the South Community Foundation meant our social workers were able to deliver gift and food vouchers to women and children in need, right before Christmas. These vouchers were well received by the families, especially as many of them have been impacted by Covid-19. A gift of kindness at the end of a tough year was a huge gesture and show of support," said Georgie.

The Nelson Women’s Centre services include free advice, social work services, advocacy, low-cost counselling, and arts and discovery workshops.

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Photos from Nelsontasman.nzOnly Marlborough and Unsplash.
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