Introducing our new Administration Officer
15 October, 2020

The Foundation is delighted to welcome Kim McGettigan as our new Administration Officer!
Kim recently started working part-time for the Foundation in a crucial role ensuring that the Foundation functions efficiently behind the scenes.
Kim brings great office experience to our organisation and will ensure that admin i’s are dotted and t’s crossed, that our communication channels are well-oiled, and that we connect with all our valued stakeholders on a regular basis.
Kim is thrilled to be involved with the Foundation and can’t wait to get stuck in to her role.
“I’m a very community-minded person, and as the mother of three active children I know how important it is for our local charities and community organisations to be in good health”, Kim said.
“In that respect I can’t think of a better organisation to be involved with, one that aligns so well with our personal family values, and makes great contributions to our wider community.
“I’m really looking forward to helping Gavin and the Trustees grow the Foundation.”
If you have any questions about the Foundation please don’t hesitate to contact Kim, whose details can be found on our website.
Welcome Kim!

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© Top of the South Community Foundation 2024
Photos from Nelsontasman.nzOnly Marlborough and Unsplash.
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