Zest for Life Fund

Creating a long-term revenue focus to assist bringing zest to those who live with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia

About the fund

Supporting people experiencing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in our community.
It is estimated that at least 25,000 people in Aotearoa/New Zealand have Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). ME/CFS is considered a major disease that we still know very little about; significantly more research needs to be done and there is a serious lack of funding for this work.

Zest for Life was established in the memory of Zascha Mann, a young Nelson man who died in July 2021 as a result of a long struggle with this debilitating condition. The name Zest for Life was chosen in recognition of Zascha’s exuberance for life as adventurer, traveler, skier, mountain climber, kayaker, and rock climber.
Severe patients, like Zascha, often have desperately difficult lives. People with the condition often feel they are a burden and asking for help can be a barrier to getting relief. The small cash grants that will be made from the Zest for Life Fund will be used for such things as assistance with driving to appointments, help with housework, cooking and advocacy, or respite care.

for further information about the Zest for Life Trust
Email Ange Palmer at Zest for Life :
[email protected]

For more information about M.E./Chronic Fatigue including frequently asked questions please go to the
website of the Associated New Zealand ME Society (ANZMES)

© Top of the South Community Foundation 2025
Photos from Nelsontasman.nzOnly Marlborough and Unsplash.
Made with ♥️ by Avoca in Nelson, New Zealand

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