Our latest news

From the EO - Nettie Stow 

Executive Officer Nettie Stow's exciting start to the year being out in the community meeting people has been a real privilege for her.
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Empowering independence through cooking

Bringing people together and empowering them to cook for themselves was exactly what CCS Disability Action Group Nelson recently achieved.
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Savouring the pleasure of skipping the occasional coffee

Tanya McMurtrie could savour a take-away coffee a day but instead skips that pleasure for the satisfaction of knowing the
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Signature Home reconfirms Platinum Sponsorship

Signature Homes, one of Nelson’s most respected builders, has reconfirmed its commitment as a Platinum level sponsor of Top of the South Community Foundation.
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BlueBerryIT Corporate Sponsor

All things IT for Top of the South Community Foundation are now in the care of the highly experienced team from BlueBerryIT.
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Golden Bay A&P Show 2024

Our EO Nettie and Golden Bay representative Phil Smith had an wonderful day at the A&P show meeting the locals and hearing about their aspirations for Mohua Golden Bay.
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Baton Bikers' Banquet' benefits the Zest for Life Trust

A cycling adventure fundraiser gave riders a chance to discover the Baton Valley.
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Community Funders Workshop

Join us and other local funders on 10th and 11th June in Marlborough to hear more about how your community group can access funding and other support.
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Earth Day Picnic In The Park

Come and meet Nettie at a great community event in Marlborough.
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© Top of the South Community Foundation 2024
Photos from Nelsontasman.nzOnly Marlborough and Unsplash.
Made with ♥️ by Avoca in Nelson, New Zealand

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